Madanapalas - 5000 Years of Healing Wisdom at your Door

Wednesday, 22 March 2017


     Acupuncture originates from China and has been practiced there for thousands of years.  Although there are records of acupuncture being used hundreds of years ago in Europe, it was during the second half of the twentieth century it began to spread rapidly in Western Europe, the United States and Canada.

Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through the patient's skin at specific points on the body - the needles are inserted to various depths. The medical community is not in conclusive agreement about how acupuncture works scientifically. However, we do know that it does have some therapeutic benefits, including pain relief and alleviation from nausea caused by chemotherapy.

According to traditional Chinese medical theory, acupuncture points are located on meridians through which gi vital energy runs. There is no histological, anatomical or scientific proof that these meridians or acupuncture points exist. Acupuncture remains controversial among Western medical doctors and scientists.

Creating case studies that use proper scientific controls is difficult because of the invasive nature of acupuncture - a clinical study involves and compared to the targeted treatment. It is very hard to devise a sham acupuncture control that one can compare to proper acupuncture. While some studies have concluded that acupuncture offers similar benefits to a patient as a placebo, others have indicated that there are some real benefits. This article in a peer-reviewed British Medical Journal explains that the principles of acupuncture are firmly grounded in science, and you don't need Chinese philosophy either to make it work, or to practice it.

According to WHO (World Health Organization) acupuncture is effective for treating 28 conditions, while evidence indicates it may have an effective therapeutic value for many more.

People with tension headaches and/or migraines may find acupuncture to be very effective in alleviating their symptoms, according to a study carried out at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. Another study at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center found that twice weekly acupuncture treatments relieve debilitating symptoms of xerostomia - severe dry mouth - among patients treated with radiation for head and neck cancer.
How does acupuncture work?

Traditional Chinese medicine explains that health is the result of a harmonious balance of the complementary extremes of yinand yang of the life force known as gi or chi. Qi is said to flow through meridians (pathways) in the human body. Through 350 acupuncture points in the body, these meridians and energy flows may be accessed. Illness is said to be the consequence of an imbalance of the forces. If needles are inserted into these points with appropriate combinations it is said that the energy flow can be brought back into proper balance.

In Western societies and several other parts of the world, acupuncture is explained including concepts of neuroscience. Acupuncture points are seen by Western practitioners as places where nerves, muscles and connective tissue can be stimulated. Acupuncture practitioners say that the stimulation increases blood flow while at the same time triggering the activity of our own body's natural painkillers.

How is acupuncture treatment carried out?

Acupuncture generally involves several weekly or fortnightly treatments. Most courses consist of up to 12 sessions. A visit to an acupuncturist will involve an exam and an assessment of the patient's condition, the insertion of needles, and advice on self-care. Most sessions last about 30 minutes.

The patient will be asked to lie down, either face-up, face-down or on his/her side, depending on where the needless are inserted. The acupuncturist should use single-use disposable sterile needles. As each needle is inserted the patient should feel them, but initially without pain. However, when the needle reaches the right depth there should be a deep aching sensation. Sometimes the needles are heated or stimulated with electricity after insertion. Once inserted, the needles will remain there for about twenty minutes.

What are the health benefits and risks of acupuncture?

The possible benefits of acupuncture are:

1. When performed correctly it is safe
2. There are very few side effects
3. It is a very effective combination treatment
4. It is effective in controlling some types of pain
5. It may be considered for patients who do not respond to pain medications
6. It is a useful alternative for patients who do not want to take pain medications.

The possible risks of acupuncture are:

1. It is dangerous if the patient has a bleeding disorder
2. It the dangerous if the patient is taking blood thinners
3. There may be bleeding, bruising and soreness at the insertion sites
4. The needle may break and damage an internal organ (very rare)
5. Unsterilised needles may infect the patient
6. When inserted deeply into the chest or upper back there is a risk of collapsed   lung (very rare).

Acupuncture Benefits:

1. Helps Reduce Headaches and Migraines:

In 2009, after researchers from the Center for Complementary Medicine at the University of Munich reviewed over 11 studies involving 2,137 acupuncture patients, they concluded that acupuncture “could be a valuable non-pharmacological TOOL in patients with frequent chronic tension-type headaches.”

The review looked at multiple clinical trials comparing the effects of acupuncture sessions to “sham” (placebo-type of acupuncture) sessions and to receiving no treatment at all for the relief of migraine headache pain. In particular, both the group that had needles randomly placed and the group that had strategically placed needles experienced a reduction in headache symptoms. The control group did not experience any change.

However, in the follow-up survey, the group that had the real acupuncture treatment continued to have both a decrease in the number of headache days and headache pain intensity.

2. Improves Chronic Pain:

Including for the Back, Neck, Knee or Arthritis Pain Acupuncture was proven to be more effective for improving chronic back pain than no acupuncture treatment in a 2006 study done by the University Medical Center of Berlin. In patients with chronic low back pain, there was a significant difference in pain reported between groups of patients receiving acupuncture over eight weeks versus those not receiving any treatment.

Even more impressive is a 2012 study done by Memorial Sloan-Kettering Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics aimed to determine the effect of acupuncture for four chronic pain conditions: back and neck pain, arthritis, chronic headache and shoulder pain.
The researchers reviewed clinical trials involving over 17,000 patients, and the results showed that patients receiving acupuncture had less pain than patients in the placebo control group for back and neck muscle aches and pain, osteoarthritis, and chronic headaches. The conclusion was that acupuncture is effective for the treatment of chronic pain and is “more than just a placebo effect, therefore it’s a reasonable referral option for doctors.”

3. Helps Treat Insomnia:

Beijing University of Chinese Medicine conducted large meta-analyses in 2009 that showed a beneficial effect of acupuncture on reducing insomnia symptoms, compared with no treatment. The analysis found that in patients who were taking medications or herbal treatments to help with sleep, adding acupuncture therapy showed better effects than taking the medications or herbs alone.

Another benefit was that unlike many sleep medications, the acupuncture sessions had no adverse side effects at all.

4. Improves Cancer and Chemotherapy Recovery:

According to the National Cancer Institute, several studies show that acupuncture can help boost immunity and speed up recovery following cancer treatments. One randomized trial, for example, found that acupuncture treatment enhanced immunity, platelet count and prevented a decrease in healthy cells after radiation therapy or chemotherapy when compared to receiving no acupuncture.

Researchers reported that the patients in both acupuncture treatment groups also experienced less pain from treatments, improvements in quality of life and a decrease in various negative side effects of chemotherapy, such as nausea.

5. Helps to Prevent Cognitive Decline:

Some early research has showing new information about the effectiveness of acupuncture on Parkinson’s. Studies show that can relieve age-related cognitive decline symptoms as it generates a neural response in areas of the brain — such as the putamen and the thalamus — that are particularly affected by Parkinson’s disease.

In a 2002 study done by the Department of Neurology at the University Of Maryland School Of Medicine, after 20 Parkinson’s patients were treated with acupuncture for 16 sessions, 85 percent of patients reported subjective improvements of individual symptoms, including tremor, walking, handwriting, slowness, pain, sleep, depression and anxiety. There were no adverse effects.

6. Pregnancy, Labor and Postpartum Health:

Many doctors are now recommending acupuncture as a treatment to reduce stress, balance hormones, and ease the anxiety and pain of pregnancy and labor.

It’s considered a safe treatment for many of the common symptoms during pregnancy — to ease the physical and emotional strain on the body — as well as after the baby is born to help with any mood, depression, mental or physical symptoms the mother may experience. It can even be used right before the baby is due to prepare the body for labor.

Tuesday, 28 February 2017


Blood pressure is the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your arteries. Each time your heart beats, it pumps blood into the arteries. Your blood pressure is highest when your heart beats, pumping the blood. This is called systolic pressure. When your heart is at rest, between beats, your blood pressure falls. This is called diastolic pressure.

Your blood pressure reading uses these two numbers. Usually the systolic number comes before or above the diastolic number. A reading of

119/79 or lower is normal blood pressure

140/90 or higher is high blood pressure

Between 120 and 139 for the top number, or between 80 and 89 for the bottom number is called prehypertension.  Prehypertension means you may end up with high blood pressure, unless you take steps to prevent it.

             High blood pressure usually has no symptoms, but it can cause serious problems such as stroke, heart attack and kidney fail.

                 Possible Causes for High Blood Pressure

While the exact cause of hypertension remains unknown, a few facts have been identified by health experts are: excess consumption of salt, lack of exercise, an unhealthy diet and genetic predisposition. Other factors that increase the odds are: cigarette smoking, binge drinking, obesity and stress. A recent study pointed out that processed or canned food and drinks might also be contributing to this increase.

How to Control High Blood Pressure

Over time, unaddressed elevated blood pressure can have catastrophic consequences on your health. So here's a checklist of things you can do to keep it under control:

1. Eat less salt:  Too much salt can cause a spike in blood pressure. While a vast majority of research shows that with a drop in sodium consumption you may say a drop in blood pressure, it can differ from person to person.

2. Stressful situations pump up the blood pressure so keep calm. Stress does elevate your blood pressure and for those suffering from hypertension, stress can also cause some kind of cardiovascular damage.

3. Exercise to stay fit and to keep your BP within recommended levels. Indians are used to snacking, especially on fried food and. So some form of exercise is recommended. (Belly fat may trigger high blood pressure)

4. Sleep! If you don't want to lose sleep over high blood pressure, then get at least 6-8 hours of sleep every night. Studies have found that the fewer hours of sleep you get, the higher your blood pressure is.

5. Quit or reduce your alcohol intake. Quit smoking because nicotine is said to increase blood pressure.

6. Say goodbye to your caffeine fix. According to Mayo Clinic, caffeine can cause a short but dramatic increase in your blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure Diet:

High blood pressure has a lot to do with your diet and lifestyle. So besides reducing your sodium intake it's important you check what you eat. And that's where we come in. Healthy eating can play an essential role in warding off high blood pressure. But many fear that a blood-pressure-lowering diet involves bland, unseasoned foods and deprivation. That's far from the truth.

                10 Natural Foods to Control High Blood Pressure

Here's a list of the top 10 natural foods that should be included in a high blood pressure diet:

1. Banana:

Bananas easy-peel fruits aren't just sweet and low in sodium; they're also rich in potassium which helps lower blood pressure. To incorporate more bananas into your diet- add it to your cereal, cake, bread, smoothies and milkshakes. Or try grilling or sauteing banana halves, and then top it with a scoop of frozen yogurt.

2. Spinach:

This green leafy delight is low in calories, high in fiber, and packed with nutrients like potassium, foliate, magnesium - key ingredients for lowering and maintaining blood pressure levels.

3. Celery:

Medicine practitioners have used celery for reducing high blood pressure for ages! Research has shown that eating as few as four celery stalks a day can reduce high blood pressure. It contains photo chemical known as phthalates that relax the muscle tissue in the artery walls, enabling increased blood flow and, in turn, lowering blood pressure.

4. Oatmeal:

Eating a diet high in fiber & whole grains helps your body maintain a healthy blood pressure and oatmeal does just that! It helps reduce both your systolic and diastolic pressure. This low-sodium food can be prepared as a hot cereal and topped with fruit or used in pancakes. You can also add it to many baked goods.
5. Avocados:

The oleic acid found in avocados can reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Avocados also contain potassium and foliate which both essential for heart health. It is rich in vitamins A, K, B & E and is loaded with fiber.

6. Watermelon:

It contains an amino acid called L-citrulline, which has proven to lower blood pressure. Watermelon is a heart health promoting food loaded with fiber, lynchpins, vitamin A and potassium. All these nutrients have blood pressure-lowering effects. Add this delectable fruit to your diet and wait for the magic to happen!

7. Beetroot:

This crimson root veggie is rich in nitrates, which is thought to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. Drinking glass of beet juice can yield a five-point drop in blood pressure, according to a 2012 Australian study. The effect might be even greater over the long term if they are drinking it day upon day. Yes, beetroot juice lowers systolic blood pressure in just a few hours.

8. Sunflower seeds:

Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E, folic acid, protein and fiber. Just a handful of sunflower seeds help to lower your blood pressure and promote your heart-health. They are also a great source of magnesium and they make a nutritious snack - but be sure to buy them unsalted in order to minimize your sodium intake.

9. Oranges:

This super rich vitamin fruit - is another food you must indulge in to lower your blood pressure. Opt in for glassful of orange juice or eat the whole fruit to load yourself with fiber and vitamin C. 

10. Carrots:

The cure for high BP might be one carrot away! Carrots are high in potassium and beta-carotene which have been shown to be effective in reducing high blood pressure. Carrot juice also helps maintain normal blood pressure by regulating heart and kidney functions.


Throat infection is the most common kind of disease among all age groups. As it is a communicable disease caused by bacterial infection, sore throat is very easily caught. Inflammation of tonsils, epiglottis and uvula can occur during this disease. Itchiness and difficulty to eat can result due to it. Hot beverages, soups and broths are often recommended along with proper medication and care. Given below are the best foods for throat which can help you recover quickly from sore throat.

Food for Healthy Throat – Ginger

Health Benefits of Ginger

Its bitter strong taste soothes and relaxes itchy throat. It has antifungal properties that help in preventing microorganisms to enter the body. Cough can be restricted by its consumption as it aids in promoting salivation and mucus secretion. It has warming properties and provides heat to the body. Lemon ginger tea is often given to patients suffering from common cold and sore throat.  Ginger contains essential oils, antioxidants and oleoresin. Oleoresin is a mixture of essential oils which restricts and relieves coughing. Various chemicals like gingerols, shogaols and zinger one found in ginger are helpful for throat irritation.

Best Foods for Throat – Lemon

Lemon contains a high quantity of Vitamin-C (53mg for 100gms) which helps in preventing and curing a person with sore throat. It is a strong anti-inflammatory agent and even helps in the production of antibodies and WBC which help in fighting against the micro-organisms in the body.

Remedy for Sore Throat – Honey

Honey has anti-microbial properties. Consumption of honey while having throat infection can really be helpful as it reduces throat inflammation. Honey along with lemon and water has been found to do wonders against sore throat. Honey helps in inhibiting the cell mast deregulation and thus reduces various allergic reactions.

Banana for Throat

Banana is a throat soothing food because of its soft and tender texture. It is filled with potassium, Vitamin-B6 and Vitamin-C.

Cloves to relieve Sore Throat

Essential oils present in cloves help in preventing fever and sore throat. Cloves have anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties which help in keeping germs away from the body. Cloves aid in preventing phlegm from the respiratory system. Cloves are often slowly chewed to provide relief from sore throat and prevent cough.

Best Foods for Throat – Sage

Sage is a medicinal herb which is high in phonemic acid, falconoid and oxygen handling enzymes.  It has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and astringent properties. This herb can be added in soups and beverages to provide a warming effect. It can help recover quickly from sore throat.

Boiled Carrots for Healthy Throat

Boiled or steamed carrot is friendly to throat. Carrots are rich in Vitamin-C, potassium and Vitamin-A which can help recover from sore throat.

Licorice Root for Sore Throat

Licorice Root has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in soothing the mucous membrane. Saponin present in licorice root aids in expelling the phlegm from the respiratory tracts.

Best Foods for Throat – Black Pepper

Black pepper has a warm and soothing effect on the body which can be helpful against cold and throat infections. It has got anti-bacterial properties and is rich in Vitamin-C, which aids in inhibiting the harmful microbes from entering the body. Consumption of pepper helps in relieving the phlegm. It can be consumed along with honey to get relief from itchy throat.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Throat

Apple Cider Vinegar can be consumed to reduce phlegm production and sore throat. It should be consumed along with honey and cinnamon to get best results. Its anti-bacterial properties scavenge the germs. It can be consumed by adding it to salads.